News at Friends Academy

With CSHL, 7th graders probe antibiotic resistance

Written by Friends Academy | Apr 26, 2023 3:57:23 PM

Shortly before spring break, Friends Academy 7th graders visited Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, a school partner, and used their knowledge of genotypes, phenotypes, and genetic engineering to add genes for bioluminescence and antibiotic resistance to single-felled organisms.

While learning about how bacteria can become antibiotic-resistant, student scientists used micropipettes to introduce new genetic material to cause the bacteria to not only glow but also become resistant to antibiotics.

Students were able to see that their experiments worked by using a UV light – all Petri dishes were glowing – showing that they had all successfully introduced new genetic material to the bacteria!

Students discussed some fascinating practical applications of this technique, including,  cancer researchers using similar methodologies to coerce cancer cells to glow and make them visible to doctors.