Third Grade geneticists recently visited the world-renowned Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DNA Learning Center. This incredible experience provided students an opportunity to hone their laboratory and microscope skills and techniques, as well as enhance our third grade science study of Inheritance and Traits. Guided by a CSHL DNALC Educator, students conducted two lab experiments during their visit. Observing Mutant Organisms required students to observe and compare wild-type and mutant strains of Drosophila fruit flies to identify variations in traits. During the Strawberry DNA Extraction Lab students extracted a visible DNA sample that was collected and preserved in a necklace.
The class continued the trip by touring the museum exhibition on human evolution and learned about the genetic history of "Europe's most famous mummy" – Ötzi the Iceman. Students observed the 3D replica of Ötzi’s mummified remains, as well as objects from Neolithic times such as clothing and equipment. “The students were thrilled to apply their knowledge and science skills during their visit," said Lower School Science Teacher Katie Schlicht. "It was exciting to work in partnership with the DNA Learning Center to create this signature experience for our third-grade science students.”