
The 7th Grade Experience at Friends Academy

Written by Andrea Miller | Apr 16, 2024 11:48:48 AM

Between balancing a more rigorous academic course load, building deeper connections with peers, and navigating layers of transition, 7th grade holds immense importance in your student’s learning and development.

“7th grade offers some really unique opportunities for academic and personal growth,” says Meghan Leonhardt, 7th grade science teacher at Friends Academy. “Students are learning to think independently, push boundaries, and learn executive functioning skills — all while discovering who they are as humans. That’s a lot to take in during one year!”

The 7th-grade experience at Friends Academy is designed to guide students as they build resilience, foster curiosity, and develop new emotional and intellectual skills. Our Quaker approach elevates every aspect of the academic program, from executing a supportive, whole-person educational approach to equipping students to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the future confidently.

Exceptional Teaching and Learning

7th graders at Friends Academy become active, engaged, and motivated self-learners through a relevant and attentive learning process. Our curriculum leverages what students already know as a foundation for introducing new concepts, making learning more approachable and meaningful.

  • Active Learning
    Learning is an active experience when students make meaningful connections between new information and what they already understand. Students are empowered to take initiative, ask questions, and pursue topics that intrigue them.
  • Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving
    Building on existing knowledge requires students to critically evaluate how new information fits with what they already know. Students actively engage in problem-solving by applying their combined knowledge to new challenges, deepening their mastery and understanding of subjects.
  • Collaborative Environment
    By bringing their unique perspectives and prior knowledge to the table, students actively contribute to a shared learning experience, enhancing their understanding and that of their peers. At Friends Academy, collaboration is especially enhanced by a Quaker approach, where community and equality are built into everyday moments inside the classroom.
  • Enhanced Engagement
    Students are more engaged and motivated when they see the relevance of new learning to their existing knowledge base. This process encourages them to revisit and more deeply internalize previously learned skills, providing a contextual framework for their ongoing learning.

By anchoring new lessons in familiar contexts, educators at Friends Academy empower students with the confidence to explore, question, and contribute meaningfully to their learning experiences. This foundation not only cultivates a love for learning but also equips students with the intellectual agility and emotional intelligence to navigate future academic challenges with increased competence and enthusiasm.

Classroom Environment and Student-Teacher Connection

The 7th-grade classroom environment at Friends is designed with Quaker values in mind; we aim to foster a supportive and inclusive community where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and taking risks in their learning. Our educators ensure students can access engaging activities that cater to different learning styles and encourage active participation. 

"We make sure that we build connection and discussion in our classroom,” Leonhardt concluded. “To do that effectively, we find a balance between having fun and ensuring that the level of rigor in the classroom challenges each student that walks through the door."

This dynamic environment results in a class where students don't just learn — they thrive. Strong student-teacher connections create a classroom where risks in thought and creativity are encouraged and supported. By balancing a nurturing environment with a rigorous curriculum, Friends Academy's 7th grade ensures that students aren’t just repeating what they learn but are deeply absorbing and applying it.

Preparation for Future Grades

We recognize that transitioning from lower to upper grades involves more than academic readiness. Adaptability and resilience are equally crucial to your student’s future success. 

That’s why Friends Academy builds on our students' strong foundation of academic excellence each year—stretching their boundaries and enriching their knowledge, while also building the critical thinking skills and emotional intelligence that will lead to success in each new stage of life.

"7th grade is a time when students begin to gain independence, but as teachers, we recognize that students can often make mistakes as they learn what works for them,” Leonhardt says. “By scaffolding this for them with frequent check-ins and suggestions when we notice challenges, students gain the confidence and skills they need for 8th grade, Upper School, and beyond. "

Through small class sizes, personal attention, and a supportive, Quaker-led learning community, 7th-grade students at Friends Academy are introduced to increasingly complex concepts and more rigorous coursework. This gradual escalation fosters a mindset that helps students embrace their mistakes as learning opportunities rather than obstacles. Students learn to manage their time, prioritize tasks, and seek help when needed.

“Growing is never easy; that’s why it’s called growing pains,” Leonhardt says. “We make sure to reflect on the strides students make and provide opportunities for them to voice where they’d like to go next."

Unique Projects and Assignments

At Friends Academy, the unique project-based learning experience for 7th graders goes beyond textbook education, deeply engaging students in acquiring real-world skills. These projects challenge students to think critically, collaborate effectively, and confidently communicate their ideas — abilities essential for academic and personal growth. 

“Students put their knowledge to the test in different ways,” Leonhardt says. “In my genetics unit, students have to solve a forensic mystery and complete a project using genetic engineering. In English, students have the opportunity to create a multimedia presentation or a rap about a book they've read. I think these are the kinds of assignments that enrich and excite students the most.”

These assignments are designed to pique curiosity and drive engagement through their relevance to the learners' environment and future challenges they may face. It’s an immersive learning process that prepares them for their next educational steps and instills a robust foundation for lifelong learning and adaptability. 

Field Trips and Experiential Learning

At Friends Academy, field trips are a cornerstone of our comprehensive approach to education. Rooted in the belief that learning goes beyond the four walls of the classroom, these excursions serve as an extension of the student’s day-to-day academic journey. 

“With experiential learning, students start to see the world as a classroom,” Leonhardt added. “I had a student approach me recently to share how she saw one of our lessons in action. She had gone to a Taylor Swift concert and noticed things were moving — whether the vibrations she felt from the ground or the liquid moving in a cup. We had just finished a sound unit discussing how sound can make physical objects move!” 

Whether exploring local museums, engaging with nature in parks, or visiting historical sites, these trips bring textbooks to life. What students read becomes tangible when they walk through the sites where monumental events took place, observe ecosystems in action, or witness the wonders of a planetarium.

These experiences help students to see the practical implications of their learning, sparking curiosity and encouraging them to ask questions and seek further knowledge. This formative experience also fosters essential social skills as students learn to interact in different societal settings, navigate public spaces, and collaborate with peers outside the regular school environment.

Co-curricular Activities and Clubs

Friends Academy offers a range of extracurricular activities and clubs tailored to 7th graders' interests and passions. For some students, clubs allow them to extend and practice their passions, while others discover new passions and talents they can enjoy for a lifetime.

“Students have so many options available to them,” Leonhardt says. “Even outside clubs or sports, they can opt-in for academic enrichment by participating in Robotics, the Long Island Math Fair, or the Long Island Science and Engineering Fair (LISEF). Students who participate in these activities work closely with a middle school teacher to help guide them along the way.”

The range of clubs and activities at Friends Academy equips students with academic knowledge, skills, and values that will serve them in all areas of life. These opportunities extend classroom learning into practical, engaging experiences, encouraging students to discover new interests, hone their skills, and contribute positively to their communities. The lessons learned and the experiences gained go beyond academics and shape well-rounded individuals ready to meet future challenges.

Some more popular clubs include:

  • Community Helpers Club
    In this club, students can make a tangible difference in their local community through service projects. It’s a chance for young learners to cultivate empathy and learn the value of giving back.
  • Middle School Inclusion Alliance
    This group of students champions diversity and inclusion. Through their initiatives, they strive to build a more inclusive school environment where every student feels valued and understood. 
  • Admissions Ambassadors
    Members of this club develop leadership and communication skills by acting as representatives of Friends Academy. They provide insights into student life for prospective families, sharing their personal experiences and the benefits of their education.

Quaker Values at Friends Academy

All students at Friends Academy experience a culture founded on Quaker values. Simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship are reflected in our teachers' and students' daily actions, decisions, and interactions. Our value system has been proven to enhance learning over the school’s 148-year history.

“One of our Quaker values is ‘community,’ and I think you’ll see that in every facet of 7th-grade life,” Leonhardt says. “If you spend a year at Friends Academy, you’ll see teachers making time to get to know students, community building activities in advisory, and the small moments that go unnoticed — but make a huge impact. Community is baked into all that we do.”

Small moments that might seem insignificant, like a quick clarification between peers, a teacher's extra effort to mentor a student, or a shared goal during a project collaboration, subtly but significantly manifest these values.

Friends Academy's commitment to uphold Quaker values in all school aspects hones students' ethical, social, and personal attributes and empowers them to make a positive difference in society.

A Community of Students, Teachers, and Parents

Our faculty knows how challenging and rewarding 7th grade can be for families. Preadolescents and early adolescents undergo rapid neurodevelopment, akin to early childhood, where they face a challenging and exciting time in their academic, personal, and social lives. We aim to help students and parents recognize the extraordinary growth while living through that discomfort. 

“We often have parents mention their child has behaved unexpectedly at home or school — maybe it’s making a rude comment, being stressed about grades, needing a large amount of sleep, or isolating from others,” Leonhardt says. “As teachers, we make space for it all. I’m passionate about my science curriculum but also checking in with kids. Students who aren’t regulating their emotions will have trouble learning, so we create space for kids to express themselves and enhance their growth.”

7th-grade teachers at Friends Academy go well beyond the standard curriculum to prioritize the development of emotional intelligence. They encourage students to articulate their feelings, manage their reactions, and understand their emotions better, enhancing students' self-awareness and self-regulation skills.

This community-focused approach emphasizes the importance of maintaining open lines of communication among parents, teachers, and students. This helps everyone stay connected and aware of each other's experiences, ensuring that we address the challenges and celebrate the successes of the 7th grade together.

Experience 7th Grade at Friends Academy

At Friends Academy, the transition into 7th grade is more than just a change of classrooms or an increase in homework. It's a time of immense development that fundamentally shapes students’ future learning experiences. Our holistic approach addresses the academic and personal development of 7th-grade students, preparing them for the next grade level and life beyond school. 

"By building community, fostering confidence, and finding ways to help students play to their strengths, we can ease the transition and provide opportunities for growth," Leonhardt says.

The skills, habits, and mindset 7th-grade students develop at Friends Academy are the keys to unlocking their future success. Critical thinking, independent learning, academic confidence, and emotional intelligence aren’t just educational objectives; they’re the pillars upon which future leaders are built.