College Counseling:
The Friends Academy Journey

Our accomplished alumni consistently share that their Friends Academy education prepared them for a life of purpose. They understand what colleges and workplaces know – that what you do with your life can have a positive impact on the world. Though test scores are important, educators and employers recognize that young people who also possess critical thinking skills, independence, values, and drive will make their community stronger. 

With a rigorous academic program rooted in our Quaker values, students engage in a balanced education that ensures they understand their impact on the world around them with reflection and integrity - not just for now, but for the world of tomorrow.

– Director of College Counseling Edward Dugger

College Counseling

Our College Counseling office is committed to guiding students on their journey to finding the school that is the best fit for them and their future. Choosing a college marks a significant progression in the maturity of a young person’s life, and we are committed to each and every student’s success. We demystify the complicated college application process and guide students through the steps that will lead them to great colleges whose strengths match their goals and unique talents. Our role is to provide direction so that seniors at our school recognize their true calling, empowering them to make a personal and professional difference in the world in which they live.

#1 Ranked

College Prep High School

(in Nassau County)

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"I had a wonderful experience at Friends Academy. The teachers were excellent, especially the College Office. I was fortunate enough to be a member of TASQUE (Teachers and Students for Quaker Understanding of Education) which helped me incorporate strong Quaker values such as integrity and community which I carry with me to the present day.” — FA Student


Our Graduates Thrive at Top Universities

Friends Academy students graduate from our school not only knowing the information they need to succeed, but also how to discern that information in a way that is innovative, inclusive, and influential. We are proud that our graduates go on to thrive with purpose at top colleges across the country.

Our Students Have Gone On to Attend

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Listen to visiting college Admissions representatives as they describe our unique program for junior families, "Inside College Admissions," as well as what they notice about students who graduate from Quaker schools – and from Friends Academy.


"If I had children, I would send them to FA in a heartbeat, knowing they would come out the other side as compassionate individuals. Many of my friends, myself included, went on from FA to attend top that's a given. But when it comes to what actually matters…growing into a person with good values and producing great people...FA is truly wonderful.” — FA Student


Let Your Life Speak – A Four-Year Journey

Grades 9 & 10: 
Build Your Personal Narrative

The goal of a Friends Academy education reminds students that their purpose and passion should be a benefit to themselves, to their families, and their local communities and to the world. Beginning Upper School can seem daunting at first, and even when students have adjusted to the ebb and flow of the year, they may continue to feel uncertain as to which path they desire to take.

upper school boy and girl in science class

October – Grade 10

PSAT TESTING: In mid-October, Friends Academy administers the PSAT exam to all sophomores. This exam is given as a diagnostic tool to provide students with practice taking skills for a standardized exam in a real-life testing situation. Results from the PSAT are used by the Academic Counselor to identify a student’s strength and suggestions for areas of growth.

January – Grades 9/10

INTRODUCTION TO THE COLLEGE PROCESS: Students and their parents meet with the Grade 9/10 Academic Counselor in mid-January, who provides general information about the initial stages of the college process, including course planning, standardized testing (PSAT) and summer opportunities. Two sessions are given, one during the morning and one at night.

February – Grades 9/10

LONG-TERM COURSE OPTIONS: In-school presentation to students about Academic Pathways in the Upper School is held in mid-February; an evening program is held for parents. Both events provide guidance in terms of offering pertinent information regarding future course selection; parents are encouraged to attend.

Spring of Grade 10

UPCOMING DEADLINES: A timeline is e-mailed to students and parents that provides an overview of the college process with upcoming deadlines.

Summer Following Grades 9/10

PURSUE PASSIONS AND SERVICE: Students are strongly encouraged to participate in activities that provide depth in particular fields of study, service to others through community-based organizations, or pursue experiences that will reinforce life skills to increase their capacity as positive agents of change.

Grade 11: The Way Will Open


As the work in junior year becomes more complicated, demands on students' time increases. We help students maintain balance by organizing a schedule that promotes attention to academic, as well as spiritual and emotional well-being. With this, good citizenship remains paramount, as does continuing to make a positive contribution to the Friends Academy community, in addition to the community at large.


INTRODUCTION TO THE PROCESS: College Night, an introduction to the college process, is held for juniors and their parents in late October.

RESEARCH COLLEGES AND SCHEDULE UPCOMING VISITS: Spend time learning about colleges via website research, visiting College Board ( or Peterson’s ( Start to schedule late winter/early spring college visits.


ENGAGING IN THE PROCESS TOGETHER: Attend Meeting for Business, a program designed for both students and parents to help families prepare for next steps, in mid-January.

MEET YOUR COLLEGE COUNSELOR: Students are assigned their individual college counselor.

SCHEDULE FIRST STUDENT/PARENT CONFERENCE: Contact College Office Associate Sharon Lapointe to set up initial student-parent conference in mid-January.

COLLEGE VISITS BEGIN: Begin to explore colleges of interest.

ACCESS NAVIANCE: Juniors are e-mailed their log-in information to access Naviance, our college application tracking software. Students are encouraged to keep all of their information up to date.


MEET & HEAR FROM COLLEGE ADMISSIONS REPRESENTATIVES: Inside College Admissions Day in April for juniors and their parents. This is the last major parent/student event. The two-hour event hosts college admissions representatives from numerous colleges. Students are released from class for the program. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend.

SCHEDULE SECOND CONFERENCE: Set up second student-parent conference with student’s college counselor. Contact College Office Associate Sharon Lapointe to schedule a conference. Discuss SAT2 testing options. Juniors will receive personalized goals to complete over the summer (including essay, resume and Common App).

PAPERWORK FOR STUDENT ATHLETES: Send a resume, unofficial transcript and cover letter to coaches at colleges to learn about recruitment opportunities, and indicate what summer athletic camp(s) they will attend.


STUDENT ATHLETES REGISTER DEADLINE: Students hoping to play sports in Division I or Division II colleges need to register with the NCAA Clearinghouse online at

Grade 12: Look Not Out, But Within

Senior year is the culmination of a student's experience at Friends Academy. The College Office aims to encourage seniors to view the year as an affirmation of their contributions and talents. We also encourage students to consider their future and how an education will lead to realizing their potential. Students are provided with assistance in enunciating who they are in an authentic and coherent way.



FINALIZE COLLEGE LISTS: Students and parents work closely with college counselors to finalize college lists and discuss the wide range of options and pathways using Naviance.

ESSAYS AND COMMON APP REVIEW: College counselors proofread essays and supplements and review students’ Common Applications. Students are given a limit of fifteen colleges and universities in keeping with the Quaker testimony of simplicity, modesty, and the remembrance that the school is a collaborative community where our actions reverberate beyond our own existence and influence the lives of others.

SCHEDULE STUDENT/COUNSELOR-ONLY MEETINGS: Students set up independent meetings with their college counselors, thereby learning how to advocate for themselves and establish healthy boundaries as they embark upon becoming young adults.

FINANCIAL AID DEADLINE: Mail or submit the CSS financial aid “Profile” form, the preliminary application for aid from private colleges, as soon as you know which colleges to which you intend to apply. Apply for FAFSA for financial aid at

NOVEMBER 1 – DEADLINE FOR EARLY DECISION/EARLY ACTION COLLEGE APPLICATIONS: Students should be mindful of navigating the demands of the year. 

  • Early Decision is suitable for students who are ready to make a binding commitment to one college and believe that their junior-year record represents the best work of which they are capable.

  • Early Action is the same, except that the student commitment is non-binding. Schools that offer Early Action usually have lower yields (the number of students who actually attend after they are accepted) and for this reason Early Action is sometimes more challenging depending on the college.


MID-DECEMBER – ED AND EA CONFIRMATION: Early Decision/Early Action decisions are made and communicated.

JANUARY 1 – REGULAR COLLEGE DECISION DEADLINE: Some colleges may also have their own deadlines later than this date. Students should maintain their academic work and extracurricular obligations during the semester.

GATHER ADDITIONAL MATERIALS FOR REGULAR DECISION APPLICATION: Seniors confer with their college counselor about additional information to send to colleges for regular decision.


MID-MARCH TO APRIL 1 – CONFIRMATION FROM COLLEGES FOR REGULAR DECISIONS: Regular college decisions are made and communicated primarily online, however, a small handful of schools still notify students by mail.

MAY 1 – DECIDE, CONFIRM AND SEND DEPOSIT: Deposits to the college where a student will matriculate must be made. Advanced Placement exams are followed by Independent Service Projects, which are a requirement for graduation.

FINAL FRIENDS ACADEMY SENIOR EVENTS: Events at the close of senior year culminate in graduation.


"If I had children, I would send them to FA in a heartbeat, knowing they would come out the other side as compassionate individuals. Many of my friends, myself included, went on from FA to attend top that's a given. But when it comes to what actually matters…growing into a person with good values and producing great people...FA is truly wonderful.” — FA Student


The Journey Continues – Alumni Profiles 

Watch "Inside College Admissions"

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Our "Inside College Admissions" Series pulls back the curtain on the college process – from writing an exceptional admissions essay to what extracurricular activities help you stand out – with insights from admissions reps from some of the nation's finest institutions. 

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